Sports Massage Benefits

Each person has a subtle, complex and unconscious perception of his or her own body.
When you have pain and decreased range of motion, you adapt your body image to fit that dysfunctional limitation by avoiding certain movement.

When an area is injured, whether it’s muscle, connective tissue, fascia, tendon, or some combination of these elements, the body handles this trauma the only way it knows how; with inflammation. This is your body’s natural response to injury. The formation of inflammation is to immobilize the injured area. Your body does this as a way to protect itself.

Is Sports Therapy Right for You?

It is if you are an athlete who is suffering from stiff joints and muscles. Sports therapy is a perfect match as an injury prevention program for individuals who play sports, run, bike, or swim. It is right for you if you are an athlete who is suffering from stiff joints and muscles.

Sports massage also plays a vital role for performance enhancement. If your past injuries have you suffering from inflammation, scar tissue or muscle adhesion’s, sports massage therapy is an effective tool for breaking these up.
Sports therapy combined with PNF stretching will enhance posture, body awareness and movement functions. Muscle energy techniques will also be used to treat those individuals with muscle pain and stiffness as well as those, who have suffered some sort of muscular injury.

Movement re-education is generally intended to regain a sense of freedom, ease and lightness in the body for increase flexibility and performance

Your Therapists:

You will find that all Tier 3 therapists are trained in Sports Therapy and since their rates are higher, the Sports Therapy massages are not part of our membership program. You can purchase package though after your initial appointment.